Unplanned positive Caesarian section
I had planned to use Hypnobirthing to calmly bring my baby boy into the world through vaginal birth, but fate had other plans. The surges began early Wednesday morning and we began using Hypnobirthing techniques to get through each surge. The process was so natural and I breathed out the surges by going for walks with my husband, having warm showers and just focusing. The surges became more intense as night fell and we went to the hospital around 10pm as I was having 3 surges every 10 minutes. The doctors did an initial Vaginal Examination and I still hadn’t dilated. They kept me overnight to monitor the baby, and checked me every 6-12 hours to see if I’d progressed. Thursday morning I had only progressed to 2cm and the Doctor wanted to break my waters or use Syntocinon, both which I declined. We continued breathing through each surge and by lunchtime Friday the surges were excruciating and I had only dilated 3cm and baby’s head wasn’t fully engaged. By this time medical staff were recommending more interventions, and by Friday night I was knackered!
My husband was so supportive and knew what I really wanted and kept going with hypnosis and trying to make me feel as relaxed as possible. Since my energy was all gone we decided to skip an induction and go straight to a C-Section. At 1.32am Saturday morning I had a Hypnobirthing Caesararean to our music and my boy came out calm, content and very placid. He has taken to breastfeeding like a pro! Although the VBAC was unsuccessful the birth process was amazing! I don’t feel like I failed at all, because I know I tried my hardest, and we had a wonderful experience and positive outcome.