Jason and Marlie
Gabriella was our doula during the pregnancy and birth of our first baby. We wanted to bring our baby into the world the best way that we could.
We attended Gabriella’s hypnobirthing class, which we found to be very beneficial. Gabriella taught us how to relax our body and mind (to the point that my husband fell asleep during one of the meditations). The tools that Gabriella gave us to take home to practice were amazing, Affirmations and meditations, which I would practice whenever, I could, even during my lunch break at work. We wanted to be totally prepared for the birth of our baby. Gabriella did a number of house visits to make sure that we were on track with our hypnobirthing.
Our baby was in frank breech position, Gabriella recommended a number of techniques to help try turn bubba around. We tried everything that we could, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, chiropractic…. even bear crawls around the lounge room 🙂
We decided it was best for our baby to have a caesarean in the end. Gabriella supported our decision. Gabriella gave us tools to assist with our hypnobirthing for the caesarean, (and yes we could still hypnobirth!).
Gabriella helped me to remain calm and relaxed before surgery (I was a little scared of the procedure). Gabriella attended the surgery with us. I commenced my hypnobirthing meditation as I was being wheeled to theatre. It must have been a funny sight, me with my headphones on! I don’t think the anaesthetist could believe how relaxed I was, I looked as though I was asleep!!! I had my husband and Gabriella by my side the entire time.
Our beautiful daughter entered the world so peacefully. She is now 6 months old and she is the most relaxed happy baby, everyone comments just our happy and content she is. We truly believe that this comes from how she was brought into the world and how we continue to stay calm, relaxed and happy around her!
Thank you Gabriella for all your help and assistance during our pregnancy and birth, our outcome would have not been the same otherwise.
Shavaun, Jason and Marlie xxx