Are you filled with fear? Does your partner feel concerned about how this experience will end up?
Are you considering pain relief before you have even gone into labour?
Does becoming a mother scare the heck out of you?
You are not on your own.. every women is looking for a magical birth? Gabriella’a Doula Support services will assist you in creating your ideal birthing experience, at home or in hospital. Gabriella is an exsperienced Holistic qualified Brisbane Doula, Gabriella, supports women all over Brisbane, the Gold and Bayside also everywhere in between. Care begins with pre-natal sessions (starting any trimester), and continues throughout the pregnancy, birth and postpartum. At your in-home sessions you will learn stretches and breathing for birth, watch informative and inspirational DVDs, plus so much more.
Gabriella is a mother of four and has an abundance of experience with supporting mothers in mothering there infants, you will feel confident and calm.
This bundle has a great boost for your up coming birth nutrition as well as feeling for power during labour and super amazing breastfeeding foods ready for your hungry baby ..jump on the link its super simple to order and arrives in a few days .
Gabriella specialises in pregnancy and labour support all around Brisbane for the following:
Fear of childbirth & traumatic from previous births)
Demonstrates values and respectful and values your privacy
Always knows when not to impose her own thoughts or beliefs on you
Your first person you want to call when you have a problem
Understands all challenges and emotions but know when to step back and give you space
Lovingly encourages identify strategies and skills that resonate with you
Together with large shoulders supporting you to dig deep to understand and prepare for the experiences to come
Record and encourage you to lean into those birthing sensations
Recognises what normal birth looks and feels like.
Your Doula will drop everything she is doing to come to you during labour
Your Doula will be with you at home in labour and go to the hospital with you
She brings her poker face 😉 to all births, carries no paperwork. You, and your partner are her only focus
She’s a professional and demonstrates respectl to all care providers and works positively with them as part of your team ( no I in team)
Breastfeeding support is her passion and drive to help you achieve your goals as a new mother.
She will prepare you for the excitement of the chaos your about to leap into, the getting to know your newborn, But most of all your Doula believes in your abilities always she’ll be your greatest encourager and share your challenges and joys on this exciting journey.
Making space to nurture and support you and your partner if you feel overwhelmed, discouraged or defeated.
She will stay with you for your entire labour (not leaving at the end of a shift)
She bring a sense of peace
Your Doula brings essential Mummalyte Hydration
A spirit that lifts you up
Naturally methods of support so your body responds
The best results occurred when the continuous support was provided by a trained doula – someone who was not a staff member at the hospital and not part of the birthing woman’s social network or family. Your Doula will give your partner the confidence to support you and to feel equally supported.
Showering is supported and encouraged and is Ideal for comfort
Therapeutic touch and sacral pressure point work
Encouraging your mobility and helping with changes of position during intense surges
Incorporating sound vibration, toning, and music if you wish
Being your liaison with family & friends
Continuous care during transition to birth centres or hospital (if you are not having a home birth w/Midwife)
Communicating your wishes to numerous staff in the institutional environment in an elegant manner and setting up your room to make it as warm and natural for your labour and to be calm and joyous
Actively supporting informed choices to reduce unnecessary medical interventions (Birth planning)
Encouraging conscious communication between you and your labouring baby as you are both working to the end result of a beautiful delivery
Helping you consistently move through fear into a return to LOVE and BREATHE
Reminding you to attune to your body’s amazing ability to birth your baby
Facilitating privacy & integrity between the labouring woman and her committed partner for optimal physiology
Facilitating mother-baby skin to skin reunion upon birth & feeding
Focusing on you and encouraging your focus
For Homebirth clients assisting a licensed midwife
Facilitating mindfulness for placenta/cord care
Ideal birth for your family can be as easy as the support and education you receive!
Disclaimer: Please note that during breakouts of covid support people will need to support via remote, this is totally out of our control and was successful throughout 2020/21