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Preparation for Caesarean Hypnobirth Positive Experience

“When mum is Calm, Baby is Calm”

Everyone wants the most natural birth for there baby right? Just because you require or have chosen a Caesarean birth don’t think you can’t have the most calm and beautiful experience?

Actually after taking part in the hypnobirthing for caesarean birth class  you will be shocked at how empowered upto date and calm you will feel about the procedure. Guess what? you do have options, choices and control in how you approach this very important day. right down to the ambience  of your theatre room.

This course is designed to give you the confidence to approach it just like a vaginal birth, whereby teaching the birthing mother and companion specific and important techniques for relaxation/self-hypnosis, thus aiding a speedy recovery.

Have a say feel strong and look forward to the birth of your baby.

Join us today.

At a c-section birth conducted at the Wesley Hospital in Brisbane, the birthing mother was so calm (with the use of these techniques) that her heart rate actually went down at times of the procedure when the mother’s heart rate normally escalates. The obstetrician and anaesthetist were amazed at how calm the birth and how well mother and baby were throughout! Here is a photo of the birthing mother – Elizabeth from Ashgrove the moment she received her baby… a magical moment! Click here for their birth story. (see below is the click here part )

Adia, born 16 September 2011

I can’t wait to tell you everything and show you the video!! The hypnosis was WILD and real and absolutely indescribable. We’re the talk of the Wesley! My only regret is I’ll never get the chance to see how I could have birthed vaginally in the same head space. I can only imagine it would be out of this world. Would never choose a c-section as my preferred model of birth!! Have been using breathing, music and affirmations during post op pain and am pretty much down to just taking pain killers twice a day and panadol… Can’t wait to down load soon :) another VERY thrilled customer to add to your list of successes!

Here is a beautiful account of Adia’s birth in an article that Elizabeth wrote for ‘Birth Matters’.


After sustaining a 4b tear during the birth of my 2nd daughter and undergoing major surgery soon after her arrival, I was unceremoniously told at my six week check up that my Obstetrician would never support me in another vaginal birth and that I would struggle to find anyone who would. I drove from Nambor to Brisbane in tears and announced to my husband, Wally that two children would be it for us because I would never have a caesarean. Ever!

Fate clearly had different plans and in early in 2011 we discovered I was pregnant with our third baby and I was staring down the barrel of that caesarean I was never going to have. I did not like the view!

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“The hypnosis was WILD and real and absolutely indescribable. We’re the talk of the Wesley! Have been using breathing, music and affirmations during post op pain and am pretty much down to just taking pain killers twice a day and Panadol.  Another VERY thrilled customer to add to your list of successes!”

The Birth of Fox

Brisbane parents Jessica and Sam, used these techniques for a calm, gentle and joyous caesarean birth in July 2012.

Click here for a slideshow of their positive and beautiful Caesarean Birth.

Jessica describes her birth… “Slowly walking my son’s body out, my son was born, the cord cut and cut by my husband and my son was quickly placed on my chest for skin to skin as they stitched me up. He remained there until we were moved to recovery, where he was again left on my chest and began to breastfeed. All of our wishes had been carried out and I was absolutely euphoric, having been given the birth of our dreams. My son was beautiful, calm and perfectly healthy, with an APGAR score of 9, and 9 five minutes later. Melissa, thank you for your non-judgmental and special caesarean preparation. You allowed us the most amazing birth experience.” Click here for their full birth story.

In our Preparation for Caesarean Birth Course, we cover:

  • Building your Birthing Preferences – Options
  • Relaxation techniques for pregnancy, birth and beyond
  • Breathing
  • Importance of Facial/Body relaxation
  • Instant relaxation techniques
  • Affirmations
  • Deepening techniques and scripts
  • Visualisations
  • Self – hypnosis techniques (and teaches the birthing companion how to assist mother in getting into a hypnotic state)
  • Fear Release and Clearing


The course is conducted over a 31/2 hour private session in your own home $465 on the Brisbane/Goldcoast/Bayside includes a folio of resources and ‘Hypnobirthing Australia – Caesarean Birth, Calm & Relaxed’ album of affirmations & self-hypnosis.

4 hour Group Class Cost is $365 and scheduled according to demand!

Please contact Gabriella for more details on scheduled classes 0414406814